I searched google and I cant believe that really happened! you have a great sence of humor, Killer suntan kiilleer ssuunntaan kkiillleeerr sssuuunnnttaaann KKKKIIIILLLLLEEEERRRR SSSSUUNNNNNNNTTTTZTAAAAAN! so funny. great flash!
I searched google and I cant believe that really happened! you have a great sence of humor, Killer suntan kiilleer ssuunntaan kkiillleeerr sssuuunnnttaaann KKKKIIIILLLLLEEEERRRR SSSSUUNNNNNNNTTTTZTAAAAAN! so funny. great flash!
Yeah boy
I Know It's hart to animate like that. Itwas really cool. I thought I would start trippin with all the moving parts and the hous that ate that ghost who turnd into that bird. . . but it ended. If it was a less bit short then I would have given it a 8. good job and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Thanks mate, I would've liked to have made it longer too, but I didn't have the time...
One of the best Ive seen my favorite parts were, "let me assist you docter" and " my sister has cancer...... ZOMBIE CANCER!!!!!!" u still got it egorapter. and that easter egg was crazy. I couldn't stop watching it Ive seen this flash so for 14 times in a row. I could't stop lolz ! great job!
I knew it
I knew you couldn't stop bringing laughter to the community of newgrounds. The animation was fine for the extream comidy you portrayed. When the stratagy gude got stabbed I died laughing. nice job. you R Still the best!
what was with that song at the end? now I don't have to try maruana I can just watch this flash. im tripping out and the cheeze was crazy. I thout the kid was insane and kiled his grand pa. good job though.
u guys are awesome I love all of your work but this was amaizing. I found the easter egg too Zombies perfect music when the sniper jumps off. good job good job.
wow lolz
I thout when he said d**k attack the second time magicarp was guna rape him. very funny u should make more funny stuff.
I shall make more funny stuff.
the impact was great just so uou know cheak to see who attacked first the jews or hitler.
this was awesome the only thing I can think about is that it is over. u out did yourself this time. very good job!
I like League of Legends, Pokemon, Lemonade, and newgrounds!
Age 33, Male
Penn State University/Online
Oneonta NY, Earth
Joined on 8/25/06