Coolest thing ever!
This is the best sprite flash I have ever seen in my whole life! You made my day thanks! wario should be in it.
Coolest thing ever!
This is the best sprite flash I have ever seen in my whole life! You made my day thanks! wario should be in it.
thats pritty cool I like your style keep it up! I really liked how you could choose the ending. I hope you make more because the more you make the more people grow happy!
I'm not making more, not sprite movies anyway, haha.
the song!
thats the only reason i voted 2. where did you get it? ill vote 5 if you tell me!
Dude. There is something called Private message. OR just read the other reviews.
Ctrl + C ... Ctrl + V
The song is CANDY and is from the DanceDanceRevolution soundtrack.
the coolest
It was cool how I got to choose the deaths but 1 it was alittle short 2 the second alternet ending was wired ( in my opinion dont take it personaly) I liked how the song changed with each death.
Yeah, I guess I haven't been doing the "finishing moves" good enough in my sprite movies. I'll try to make them longer and more impressive next time.
Thanks for watching and reviewing
Its cool
I liked how you put this flash together but it was alittle short. It still gave a messege. (excuse my spelling) but I thought if was realy cool!
Its the best thing Ive seen in clay!
Only because Of the Music!!! Perfect choice. I Cant say how much I loved this animaton in words! I Know it was hard work but I apreciat how you did this! Thank you! I feel happy.
that was so funny even the 12th time I saw it! ZMake another one man and longer or newgrounds! but their should be a replay button MAN!
This was relly funny. Link droping the sword on his head LOL!
Just a tad short.
I like League of Legends, Pokemon, Lemonade, and newgrounds!
Age 33, Male
Penn State University/Online
Oneonta NY, Earth
Joined on 8/25/06