that was discustingly random but i voted 3 cause of how you animated it.
that was discustingly random but i voted 3 cause of how you animated it.
Glad you looked at animation quality as well!
the more you know. That made me laugh and spiny. lol ill f*@k u up. lol good job.
Thanks :)
that wasnt funny but I liked the animation. it was also too short. dued a monky throwing a watermelon and a guy tackling the wrong guy isnt very funny. and the other one I didnt understand. ask some one what somthing funny is thend put his or her name in the credits. cause your funny isnt funny. just saying. good job with the sprites. maybe try somthing without humer like a fight scene or somthing just not comedy.
its ok
u did good. im sorry but im not very familier with this animation style so I cant tell if you put alot of work into this but it looks like you did. so basicly you use moments in games like sims and s things with 3d stuff and move them to the music an d blah blah blah. good job but I would have saved this flash and submitted it for the holidays. good job though.
lol perfect music from banjo kazooie and banjo tooie. lol funny and the music was perfect for this.
dued when he threw the grenade at the end the river between the greys and the green gue dissapeared. the words went of the edge and no music or sounds. i can understand no sounds but no music? try again.
nice one
i liked everything about it ecept that after u click on subliminal message the replay button and the credits button dont work. the credits only show an explosion. other than that its cool.
that giraff was crazy
lol try again u can do better
so funny mulon lol pot of tea lol i loved the randomness of the flash.
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Age 33, Male
Penn State University/Online
Oneonta NY, Earth
Joined on 8/25/06